A Mini Gastric Bypass Procedure Could Be The Help You Need To Lose Weight
The mini gastric bypass, or MGB, surgery is a procedure you may want to consider if weight loss surgery is in your future. This type of bariatric surgery is also sometimes done on very obese patients who weigh too much to qualify for other surgeries. You can find informational videos and webinars about this surgery online, but here's what the surgery entails and how it affects your body so you lose weight.
Mini Gastric Bypass Creates Two Effects
This surgery is called a bypass because most of your stomach and a few feet of your intestines are bypassed when your new stomach sleeve is created. Part of your stomach below your esophagus is stapled off to create a tube that looks like a sleeve and the bottom of the sleeve is attached to your intestines after bypassing the first few feet. Your stomach and intestines are left in place, but now food travels through the sleeve to a different location in your intestines. This procedure has two effects: it decreases the size of your stomach and it reduces absorption of food in your intestines.
Restriction and Malabsorption Cause Weight Loss
This type of surgery helps you lose weight since you get full much quicker with such a small stomach. By physically being able to eat less, you'll drop weight more easily and break your habit of overeating. Bypassing the upper part of your intestines affects how much food your body can absorb. That means you could absorb fewer calories from the food you do eat. Plus, you might have difficulty tolerating fatty foods and sweet foods once you've had this procedure. The two actions of restriction and malabsorption work together to help this surgery be an effective aid for weight loss.
The Mini Bypass Surgery Is Less Invasive
The MBG procedure is a laparoscopic surgery. Rather than having your midsection opened up, the doctor makes tiny incisions to pass surgical instruments and a camera into your body. This makes the procedure less invasive so your recovery should be easier. You'll still have some pain at the incision sites, but you'll be able to go home in just a day or two after the surgery as long as your health is okay.
You Still Need to Change Your Diet
Just like all kinds of weight loss surgery, the MGB procedure is only effective if you follow your diet carefully. You'll need to watch your protein intake and you'll need to eat high-quality foods. Since your stomach won't hold much food, you don't want to waste the space with junk food that won't provide nutritional value. Your doctor provides a diet for you to follow so you get enough calories and nutrition to lose weight safely and stay healthy.
There are different kinds of weight loss surgery, and you may wonder what kind is right for your situation. A visit with a bariatric doctor is the only way to find out if you're a good candidate for the mini bypass graft. However, it's good to find out as much information about the procedure as you can. Your doctor may provide information ahead of your appointment in a webinar series. You might even search online for an MGB treatment webinar so you can learn all you can about the procedure before you visit your doctor.