When Your Body Changes, Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help
As a male ages, the body goes through a variety of different changes. One of the more recognizable of these changes is a significant decline in the number of hormones the body produces naturally, including testosterone. These hormones play a critical role in everything from hair growth to muscle mass. Consequently, a decline can bring about many unfavorable changes, but hormone replacement therapy can help.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone replacement therapy is just as it sounds, in that it is a process in which depleted male hormones, such as testosterone, are inserted into the body. The inserted hormones have the same makeup as the hormones naturally produced by the body, and as a result, they offer a safe and effective replacement for any depletion in development. While the process will not turn back the hands of time, it can help males who are suffering from many of the effects of male hormone depletion reverse course.
Testing and Recommendations
The replacement therapy process is non-invasive and safe, but it's important to remember that it is still a medical procedure. As a result, typically, medical providers will require the patient to undergo a series of blood tests to verify that their hormone levels are low, which is known as hypogonadism. Upon this official diagnosis, the provider will then recommend this treatment. It's a good idea to have this information verified before beginning replacement therapy.
Treatment Process
Again, hormone replacement therapy is a non-invasive process. More commonly, the replacement therapy is performed through an injection process, in which the hormone is administered directly into the body. For individuals who have a more subtle decline in their hormone levels, a patch might be another means of treatment. Patches are typically ideal in this instance because they release small bits of hormone over time, rather than a large dose in a short period, such as with an injection.
Care and Recovery
In terms of recovery, there is little you need to do after you have the therapy completed. However, you must continue to be seen by a medical provider after the process. While rare, some side-effects come along with this treatment, such as infertility concerns and changes in the size of the prostate. Continued care under the supervision of a medical professional can help identify any concerns quickly.
If you are concerned about your hormone development, it's a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional who can help you take a closer look.