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Don't Just Ignore Your Varicose Veins

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If you have varicose veins in your legs, you may look at them and assume they're just a cosmetic issue. This could be true for a while. Varicose veins don't usually cause any major problems in the early stages, but they usually worsen and become more than a cosmetic issue over time. When that happens to you, it will be important to seek treatment. Here's a look at the signs your varicose veins are ready for treatment, and also a look at some of the treatment options worth exploring.

Signs Your Varicose Veins Require Treatment

The primary sign your varicose veins are ready to be treated is aching and tiredness. You may feel like your legs are heavy and simply tired, especially after a long day on your feet. This is largely because when you have varicose veins, your veins become less effective, and the circulation in your legs is reduced. Your cells are not getting enough oxygen. You may also notice some itching and throbbing in your legs, especially right around the veins.

You will eventually notice some swelling in your legs as fluid accumulates after seeping out of the damaged veins. Even if you're able to get the swelling down by elevating your legs, you may notice some discoloration and puffiness in the area around the vein.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

When your varicose veins do start causing the symptoms above, it is smart to seek treatment before matters get any worse. Here are a few of the major treatment options available today:

1. Sclerotherapy: This is a procedure in which your doctor will inject a special solution into each varicose vein. The solution will cause the vein to close up and no longer allow blood flow. Within a few weeks, your body will absorb the old vein tissue.

2. Laser Treatment: Laser therapy is less painful than sclerotherapy, but it's not always effective for the largest varicose veins. A laser is applied to the surface of the skin, and it essentially closes off the vein. No incisions are needed, so there's no risk of infection, making this the preferred option for patients with immune-related diseases.

3. Vein Stripping: This is a surgical process that involves physically removing the varicose veins through small incisions. Your doctor may recommend vein stripping if you have deeper varicose veins that are hard to target via sclerotherapy or laser treatment.

If your varicose veins start bothering you, reach out to a cosmetic surgeon near you. They can discuss these treatment options and help you choose the best one.

Talk to your doctor today to learn more about varicose vein treatment.
