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3 Forms Of Physical Therapy Can Help Seniors Thrive

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“You’re only as young as you feel” may have a grain of truth to it, but so does another saying: “You’re only as young as you function.” As you age, you may discover that your quality of life takes a hit not just from chronic aches and pains, but also from increasing problems with strength, flexibility, and balance. Fortunately, physical therapy can help you keep these limitations to a minimum while also helping you feel better. Read More»

Top Benefits Of Home Care For Your Elderly Parents

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One of the ways to show your parents how much you care later in life is to provide home care for these individuals. This will allow your loved ones to get top-rated care and remain in the comfort of the home. Having providers go to your family can be extremely beneficial and knowing the advantages of this may be helpful. 1. Dispense medications It can be a challenge for sick and elderly parents to always remember to take medication each day. Read More»

What To Expect From Deep Brain Stimulation

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Patients who have abnormal signals in the brain can suffer from diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. If this is the case, these signals need to be stopped to reduce or eliminate symptoms associated with the disease. Fortunately, there is a way to accomplish this through deep brain stimulation, a procedure that a neurological surgery center may perform. Blocking Harmful Signals Deep brain stimulation involves the placing of electrodes deep within the brain. Read More»

A Mini Gastric Bypass Procedure Could Be The Help You Need To Lose Weight

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The mini gastric bypass, or MGB, surgery is a procedure you may want to consider if weight loss surgery is in your future. This type of bariatric surgery is also sometimes done on very obese patients who weigh too much to qualify for other surgeries. You can find informational videos and webinars about this surgery online, but here’s what the surgery entails and how it affects your body so you lose weight. Read More»

How Do You Know It's Time To Have Knee Replacement Surgery?

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You have been told by a doctor that you are going to need a knee replacement surgery, but the idea of having surgery is not something you welcome, so you have decided to put things off. It is not uncommon for people to be apprehensive about any kind of surgery, even if they have a knee surgery specialist willing to perform the procedure. Typically, people who need a knee replacement will reach certain points when they believe it is time to make the decision to move forward and get the surgery. Read More»

The Advantages And Capabilities Of Leukapheresis

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Many people have never before heard of leukaphresis. That’s because it’s not an extremely common procedure, but it can be a highly beneficial one. This procedure, most commonly used in patients with leukemia, uses a unique machine to remove excess white blood cells from the body and then return the healthy red blood cells and the plasma. When medically advisable, there are many benefits to receiving or offering this procedure. Read More»

Stem Cell Treatments For Hair Loss: The Process And How The Treatments Work

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Stem cell treatments have been in research for decades now. The treatments are being used for everything from redesigning the body’s autoimmune system to fight autoimmune disorders to destroying non-malignant cells. Adult stem cells can be nurtured to become just about anything, which is why stem cells can also work for hair loss. Here is the process for this treatment and how the treatments work.  Adult Stem Cells Are Encouraged to Grow Just a Little in a Petri Dish Read More»

3 Tips To Prepare For Your MRI Screening For Prostate Cancer

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There are many people out there who suffer from prostate cancer. If you do have prostate cancer, it is important to find out about it as soon as possible, since this can help you increase the chances of success from treatment. Your doctor might recommend an MRI screening for prostate cancer. If this is something that your doctor recommends, it is important to follow through with your appointment. You may find that following these preparation steps will help you out. Read More»

3 Reasons To Schedule An Appointment For A Chiropractic Adjustment

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Many people are familiar with chiropractors, but few have actually had a chiropractic adjustment. Seeing a chiropractor for adjustments can come with a lot of benefits that can improve a person’s day-to-day life. Some health insurance plans cover the cost of chiropractic adjustments, but even if your does not, chiropractic care can be affordable, and it is usually well worth the expense. Chiropractic adjustments are non-invasive and don’t hurt at all, so there is no reason to shy away from this type of treatment. Read More»

Why You Should Use A Clinical Research Organization To Test New Medication

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If you are involved in the pharmaceutical industry, then you and the others within your business might be excited and ready to release a new medication to the public. First, though, you will need to make sure that testing is done properly. Some companies choose to handle their own testing in-house, but this is not always the best option for pharmaceutical businesses like yours. Instead, you might want to outsource all of your testing to a clinical research organization. Read More»