If you feel a shooting pain that travels from your neck and into your fingers, you may have a condition called cervical radiculopathy. It’s caused by the spinal nerves in your neck becoming compressed, which leads to damage and inflammation. The pain from cervical radiculopathy may only occur every once in a while or it may be constant, and it typically becomes worse when you move your neck.
In some cases, the shooting pain can become debilitating — you may avoid moving your neck or using your arm in order to avoid it. Read More»
Cancer is a terrible condition that can afflict people regardless of their level of health or fitness. Unfortunately, cancer can even affect children. There are few things more heartbreaking than a child with cancer. If you feel moved to help, there are a few ways you can do so. Here are four things you can do to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer:
1. Spread awareness.
Raising awareness is something that everyone can do. Read More»
One of the common problems that people face after a workout session at the gym is back pain. It might be something that has occurred suddenly after lifting a particularly heavy weight, or it might be a pain that has developed over time and has recently become worse. Whatever the situation is, it is important that you address the problem. If you simply ignore the pain you are experiencing and try and fight through it, you are likely to do some serious injury to your body. Read More»
Those with a true passion for nursing often find it to be a rewarding career path that gives them years of satisfaction in an often lucrative and happy career. However, others may end up getting bored in their job but be unwilling to do anything but remain a nurse. In this situation, it may be necessary to consider becoming a traveling nurse as a way of breaking up the apathy. Read More»
When you go to the doctor with a concern, your physician will do their best to diagnose the underlying reason for your condition. In many cases, your ailment can be treated using the right medication. Your doctor will give you a prescription, which can be filled at the drugstore of your choice. You shouldn’t delay; getting your prescription filled as fast as possible will allow you to start feeling better sooner. Read More»